Men Need Skincare Too!

Posted on: December 29, 2019

Trying to talk men into self care can often be like pulling teeth. I'm here to tell all of the fellas -- Not only SHOULD you take care of your body, but it's actually going to improve your life. 

Building a routine that you can keep up with is THE major key. All of the old standby's aren't doing much for you. Bar soap for your face is drying you out, you definitely need to find a good facial wash that rejuvenates your skin. Before you experiment with facial products, you need to find out your skin type. Do you have dry skin? Dry skin can feel tight throughout the day, and may experience noticeable flaking. Do you have oily skin? Oily skin can produce excess oil on your face (your face look like an oil spill fam?) Do you have combination skin? Combination skin is a mix dry and oily, normal and oily, or normal and dry.

Once you figure out your skin type experiment with a facial wash, toner, hydrator, facial moisturizer/oil and SPF. Click here for a good starting point.

Every man can benefit from a good body AND lip scrub, you'll never regret how smooth it feels after-- Neither will your lady. I would suggest Krazy Essentials’ Espresso Body Polish for a body scrub and Krazy Essentials’ Lip Scrubs to make sure your lips are right. Did I mention that women absolutely love a well kept man that understands upkeep isn't just for women? No? Well, they do.

It doesn't stop there though. You're gonna wanna take care of your hair and beard the same way. I feel like we've all done it, but you can't throw Irish Spring at everything. Experiment with new beard oils to see what you would like the best.

I say all of that to say this, don’t be dry and ashy. Stay wavy and moisturized.

 -Ari Price

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